Algorithmic Feeds Trend to Homogeneity

Republished from the April 23, 2018 Newsletter. The medium is the message and our mediums are shaping the messages we’re willing to share. The allure of the algorithmic feed is that it shows more relevant information to individual users. However, it maps very poorly with how people WANT the services to act. For example, I […]

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The Passing of CATACA

Our cat, CATACA, died suddenly yesterday. She was acting normally and seemingly fine and then in the span of an hour she was gone. I found her lying on the ground her stomach heaving. Within a half hour we had her packed up to get to an emergency vet. My wife took her there and […]

Newsletter April 9, 2018

Here are the Other Local Newsletters You Should be Reading Ed’s Vacuum newsletter for 2018-W14, Issue 5 (new series) George’s Roundup, April 6 The CivCity Initiative Spring Scrimmage for Local Civics! Reader and RSS Anil Dash tweeted a sentiment that resonated a lot with me: Google’s decision to kill Google Reader was a turning point […]

Internet, Ownership

Republished from the April 2, 2018 Newsletter. If I had a mission statement right now it’d be this: more people exhibiting more ownership over more of what they produce online. Right now we’ve swung almost entirely to allowing social media to own everything about our activity online: both in terms of consumption and production. Social […]

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Ypsi-Arbor D&D Gazette: Follow Up

We’ve officially crossed over a threshold in which there are subscribers to the Gazette that I don’t recognize by their email addresses. That’s an incredible thing, and also a bit scary! A few submissions have trickled in as well and they have exceeded expectations. Send yours in too! I promise it’s good enough. Read more […]